I grew up between parents in Flagstaff, AZ and Crozet, Virginia. My dad, a Grand Canyon river guide, instilled in me a love for the desert and all the plants that call it home. I spent most of my summers on the river, while spending the rest of my upbringing in the Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia. Both environments cultivated a deep respect for the outdoors and an inclination towards nature to regulate my nervous system.

In 2011 I moved to Boulder, CO after having experienced a series of health issues. I had a roommate who was a clinical herbalist, and her suggestions completely changed my life. It inspired me to pursue herbalism, and in 2015 I attended the Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism. I completed the Clinical Herbalism, Clinical Nutrition, and Flower Essence Practitioner programs with honors.

Upon graduating, I became a volunteer labor & delivery doula for Denver Health Medical Center, where I got to work with incarcerated pregnant people, undocumented families, and families whom I did not share a common language with. It taught me much about my privilege, what it means to “show up” and hold space, and how to provide support without the use of words.

Around this same time, I became more and more involved in reproductive justice and pregnancy loss. I dedicated much of my time and energy into abortion & miscarriage doula work. With 6 others, I helped co-create the Colorado Doula Project and served as a core organizer for about 5 years. One of my proudest accomplishments was helping create the ASN, or “Abortion Support Network,” with my friend & fellow CDP organizer Rose Miess. At that time, she and I hosted someone in our home who came to Colorado all the way from Turkey to get an abortion. This made us realize just how needed support is for those who come here seeking abortion services, as Colorado is in the middle of an “abortion desert.” With the CDP, we created the "ASN," which provides free abortion doulas, lodging, transportation to/from the airport or the appointment, and other logistical needs.

I also worked in a bustling local apothecary for 3 years as a community herbalist, and learned a lot about community herbalism.

I guest lecture at the Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism on reproductive health, miscarriage, abortion, menopause, & other classes. I teach classes online, in local apothecaries, at conferences, and facilitate abortion doula trainings.

I have had my small wellness practice since 2016, and it is important to me to incorporate trauma-informed care & anti-oppression work into my practice. I love helping people cultivate a relationship with plants and their cycles, and reclaiming plant medicine as a birthright.

Hi! I’m Bonnie.

I’m a Certified Clinical Herbalist & Nutritionist, Full Spectrum Doula, & Flower Essence Practitioner